Zhu Jinglun
a 1-year Graduate Scholarship to provide for living expenses during the final year of an M.A. program at the Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College
了解更多a 1-year Graduate Scholarship to provide for living expenses during the final year of an M.A. program at the Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College
了解更多A 1-year Graduate Scholarship to provide for travel and living expenses during the first year of an M.F.A. degree in the Performing and Interactive Media Program at Brooklyn College
了解更多a 10-week Individual Fellowship to undertake residency activities in Vietnam and other travel in Asia in summer 2019
了解更多a 3-month Individual Fellowship to explore the intersection of public space, social movements, and community histories while in residence at A. Farm in Vietnam
了解更多a 6-month NY Fellowship to observe the artistic practices and management structures of theater companies and venues
了解更多a Project Grant to support the participation of two arts professionals from Asia in an award ceremony during the 2018 AICA Congress
了解更多A 5-month Individual Fellowship to participate in theater workshops and research socially-engaged performance-making in NYC
了解更多A 6-month NY Fellowship to research the Limón technique and explore the diversity of movement practices in New York City
了解更多a 3-week Travel Grant to survey public art and public space in cities across the U.S.
了解更多A 3-week Fellowship for two collaborating dance artists to conduct an intensive workshop for pre-professional and professional dancers in Manila
了解更多A 6-month NY Fellowship to conduct research on Filipino-American and other immigrant artists
了解更多A 6-month Individual Fellowship to research Shakespeare productions and contemporary theater in Taiwan and the U.S.
A 6-month Individual Fellowship to research Shakespeare productions and contemporary theater in Taiwan and the U.S.