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Humbold County Salmon Ceremony Oral Histories Exhibition
The Humboldt Area Peoples Archive announces the grand opening of its exhibit Salmon Ceremony Oral Histories, featuring Ai IWANE (ACC 2022).
查閱活動Garden of Mind
2023年05月24日 - 2023年07月14日
Hsin Hua PAN (ACC 2005) presents a solo exhibition of paintings, Garden of Mind (借景造園). An opening celebration will be hosted on May 27th from 4:30-6:30 PM PST.
查閱活動Past Continuous Tense
2022年12月16日 - 2023年09月18日
Lam Tung Pang (ACC 2012) combines a millenium of Chinese, Korean, and Japanese nature imagery from a single page to life size.