
Suon Bun Rith
To travel to Kyoto and Tokyo to visit cultural institutions and to observe artistic activities in Japan in April 2009.
six-month fellowship to undertake arts management internships and to observe performing arts activities in the United States
six-month fellowship to undertake arts management internships and to observe performing arts activities in the United States
了解更多Hun Pen
Additional funding for third semester study (February-June 2008) at Chulalongkorn University
Grant renewal for program at Chulalongkorn University
ten-month fellowship to begin a program of study leading to the M.A. degree in Southest Asian Studies at Chulalongkorn University in fall 2006 and to participate in the Center for Khmer Studies' summer fellowship program in July and August 2006
three-week grant to observe current performing arts activities in Los Angeles and New York and to participate in the ACC's 40th Anniversary Conference that will be held in New York on November 10, 2004
Two-month fellowship to undertake an internship at New England Foundation for the Arts and particpate in the Bates Dance Festival
ten-month fellowship to study dance, theater, and music as a special student at Wesleyan in 2002-2003
了解更多Royal University of Fine Arts (RUFA)
to support Cambodian Artists Mentorship Program activities
The second phase of Rockefeller Foundation grant funds to support the Cambodian Artists Mentorship Program at the Royal University of Fine Arts in 2007. The term of the grant is ten months, June 2007-February 2008.
Support for the Cambodian Mentorship Program in 2004 (Payments & correspondence 2003-2005)
to support the North Campus performing arts library for the twelve-month period beginning March 1, 2004
Twelve-month grant to the Royal University of Fine Arts' School of Performing Arts to support the seventh year of the Cambodian Artists Mentorship Program.
Seven-month grant to the Royal University of Fine Arts' School of Performing Arts to support the sixth year of the Cambodian Artists Mentorship Program
To enable five musicians, including Sam-Ang Sam, to attend the Asia-Pacific Society for Ethnomusicology in the Philippines in Feb. 2002
Support for the North Campus performing arts library
to provide expenses for the visit of Royal University of Fine Arts associates H.E. Nouth Narang, Pichtum Kravul, and Sam Ang-Sam to the University of California, Los Angeles participation in the In-Roads/Asia conference
Support for the fifth year of support for the Cambodian Artists Mentorship Program
Six-month grant to the Royal University of Fine Arts' Performing Arts School to support the fourth year of the Cambodian Artists Mentorship Program
Purchase of equipment for the faculty of Architecture
Support for the third year of the Cambodian Artists Mentorship Program
To enable University associates H.E. Nouth Narang, Pich Tum Kravul and Sam-Ang San to participate in the Inroads/Asia conference at the University of California (Los Angeles)
Establishment of a Performing Arts Library
Establishment of a performing arts library
了解更多Chakreya So
了解更多Setpheap Sorn
了解更多Darith Ea
To participate in the meetings of the European Association of Southeast Asdian Archaeologists in France in September 2006
3-month fellowship to enable him to study museum techniques for the management of ceramics collections beginning summer 2004
了解更多Khmer Culture Association
support for the participation of artists and scholars from Asia and the United States in the Ninth International Conference of the Asia Pacific Society for Ethnomusicology in Phnom Penh in August 2004
for Sam-Ang, I Wayan Dibia and Ramon Santos to serve as consultants to Cambodia's Royal University of Fine Arts in a planning meeting in Manila and Phnom Penh
了解更多Kosal Mann
to serve as an artist-in-residence at the Sandglass Theater in Vermont, beginning spring 2004
了解更多Oum Suphany
five-month fellowship to collaborate with Ashley Thompson at University of California, Berkeley on a Khmer translation of Helene Cixious' play "L'histoire terrible mais inachevee de Norodom Sihanouk, roi du Cambodge" (The terrible but Unfinished Story of Norodom Sihanouk, King of Cambodia)