Brian Bernards
To research, write, and conduct interviews in Thailand for a book on Inter-Asian Cinema dealing with cinematic reflections on pop culture-inspired tourism.
了解更多To research, write, and conduct interviews in Thailand for a book on Inter-Asian Cinema dealing with cinematic reflections on pop culture-inspired tourism.
了解更多a three-week fellowship to carry out research on curatorial practices in China, Taiwan, and Korea
了解更多To undertake a comparative study of the influence of popular and vernacular cultures in East and Southeast Asia on contemporary art.
了解更多To conduct research on how people have translated Japanese and Korean by focusing on the violence/hospitality of translation, as well as on how "healing" has been socially and culturally represented in South Korea on the theme of "healing colonial violence and its traumas.”
了解更多To research art and technology trends in Japan and Korea through a two-pronged approach: to respond to technological and artistic demands globally through forms of expression that integrate the latest technologies; and, to incorporate technology into historical and cultural contexts in Hong Kong to usher in new creative practices.
了解更多To consolidate Liu's current research on the interactive relationship between China and East Asia in terms of its artistic and cultural production, as well as its cross-cultural role in the late 20th century when globalization first took firm hold.
了解更多To continue building on extensive research on ecological art from Europe to Asia by conducting interviews and case studies in Japan, Korea, and Singapore.
了解更多A 6-month Individual Fellowship to research musical performing and training pedagogy in Seoul and New York
Theater Director, Taipei: to undertake vocal training under Nancy Houfek at the American Repertory Theatre in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
了解更多A 5-month Individual Fellowship to conduct field and archival research on local histories in China and North Korea.
了解更多a 6-month Individual Fellowship to conduct comparative research on contemporary art ecosystems in Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau
了解更多a 3-month fellowship to build connections in Korea, China, and Japan and research art's potential to transform the Korean conflict
a 3-month fellowship to build connections in Korea, China, and Japan and research art's potential to transform the Korean conflict
了解更多A 3-week grant for dancer Ursula Eagly to be in residence at Seoul Dance Centre through the Movement Research Exchange Program
to support a three-week residency for Movement Research Artist-in-Residence Jeanine Durning at the Seoul Dance Center in fall 2016.