Support: ACC Tokyo

Thank you for supporting our mission of building a more harmonious and peaceful world through cultural exchange.

You can donate via the following methods:

Direct donation to ACC Japan Foundation

Please download and fill out the donation form and send it to the ACC Japan Foundation by e-mail, fax, or mail.

Donation to Association for Corporate Support of the Arts

The ACCJF activities are certified by Association for Corporate Support of the Arts (Kigyo Mecenat Kyogikai)'s Arts Fund for the Creation of Society. ACCJF accepts donations through Mecenat, in order to give donors a tax benefit. 

Please download and fill out the donation form and send it to the ACC Japan Foundation either by e-mail or fax, and then visit the "Culfun" website of Association for Corporate Support of the Arts to make your donation.


For inquiries, please contact:
Asian Cultural Council Japan Foundation
Kyobashi Yamamoto Bldg. 4F, 3-12-7 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0031 Japan
Email: | Fax: 03-3535-5565 | Tel: 03-3535-0287