"Good bones tell stories. Good bones connect us across the ephemeral nature of time, to something that was, but no longer is. They carry cultural baggage in the way they insinuate judgments of good and bad. Think good bones as in the strength of an older building or architectural space. Think of the eugenics of "good bones". Bones are something that remain. They are mysterious in what they do not tell us, and a bit metaphysical in the way they embody what is no longer really "here". In this new exhibition by the intergenerational group, Spliced Connector, we explore this overarching idea. Endemic to it is the notion of the architectonic quality that is conceptually present in all artwork. An idea in artwork is like the "good bones" of a house. A solid foundation is something that will support a superstructure built above. Following our Summer exhibition, "Under the Skin", Good Bones expands on the metaphorical idea of the human body. Our bones are what hold us up, allow us to move. Our bones give us a dynamic, physical presence in this world. Artwork is like a human body: it allows our minds to expand, take a walk, move about within our imaginative capacities. Good bones in artwork provides the bedrock for an expanding, engulfing conversation about whatever an artist is considering within the visual language. Good bones is all about those of us who have taken the time to learn the history of this complex language, and use it on purpose, saying what we can only say within the visual language. Good Bones supports the ideational and aesthetic playground that expands the human experience into upper dimensions." [Note: ACC grantee 'Elaine Wang' is a.k.a. 'Frog the Parhelia']