ACC Japan Grantee List

This page is to introduce recent grantees from Japan. 
To view the full Grantee Database, please click here.

◆ New York Fellowship (6 months in the U.S.)

Bontaro DOKUYAMA  Visual Art
To learn about artistic practices in a multinational country, and research the history and cultural transmission of Japanese immigrants in the United States from the Meiji Restoration through World War II and the present.
Blanchette Hooker Rockefeller (BHR) Memorial Fellow*1

Souya HANDA   Curation
To conduct on-site research on the Manhattan Project, providing a multifaceted perspective on his artistic practices on Hiroshima, as well as conduct research on Asian artists in the United States working on postcolonial themes.

SEKI Tomoko   Arts Criticism
To conduct research on theater in the United States for a comparative study with Europe and Japan to understand the characteristics of Japanese, European, and American plays.
ACC/Saison Foundation Fellow *2

SUZUKI Minori  Literature
To research literary and artistic practices in the United States and study how minority stories have been told in the country to discover new or alternative storytelling and styles of writing in Japanese.

Hideki UMEZAWA   Music
To conduct research on sound sculptures, interact with the experimental and electronic music scene in New York, and examine the relationship between people and the environment.

Aki YAHATA   Film/Video/Photography
To investigate four themes: road movies, the history and present state of immigrants, image therapy, and hand-eating culture in Native American and immigrant communities.

◆ Organization Grant

Bridge for the Arts and Education    Theater
To conduct a workshop series facilitated by five artists from Malaysia and Japan involving open rehearsals and artist's talks to explore the link between Asian performance and the theme of death and rebirth through philosophy, movement, and sound.
ACC/Saison Foundation Fellow *2

Don’t Follow the Wind   Visual Art
To support American artist and curator contributions, conducting on-site research and interacting with displaced residents, for the Don't Follow the Wind exhibition through planning and development.

◆ Individual Fellowship
The following fellows are selected by U.S. judges and supported by ACC Japan Grants Program.

Alexander DUBOVOY (USA→Japan, 4 months)   Music
To collaborate and produce music with musician Katherine Whatley and sake brewer Kazuyo Fukao based on traditional sake production practices and field recordings.

Kimi MAEDA (USA→Japan, 6 months)   Theater
To transform an abandoned house (akiya) in Japan's rural Shimane Prefecture into an immersive performance piece and oral history collection for the project, "Ichi Oku House" (一憶ハウス ).

Koto MAESAKA (USA→Japan, 2 months)   Music
To visit Hokkaido Province, Iwate Prefecture, and Tokushima Prefecture connecting with universities, local organizations, wadaiko (traditional Japanese drums) makers, and experiencing local dance festivals to connect with artists and organizers.

*Names are written in grantee's preferred order.

*1 The Blanchette Hooker Rockefeller (BHR) Memorial Fellow is awarded to an individual who received particularly high evaluation in the field of visual art.
*2 The ACC/Saison Foundation Fellow is awarded to individuals/institutions supported by a designated grant from the Saison Foundation.

◆ New York Fellowship 

Nile Koetting Visual Art
To investigate the movement probing interdisciplinary expression that emerged in the "anti- art" movement centered in New York City after World War I and to explore the possibilities of interdisciplinary expression to date.

yang02 (Takahiro Yamaguchi) Visual Art
To conduct research on activities of Experiments in Arts and Technology (E.A.T.) as origins of today's "Media Art", as well as to exchange with artists whose works deal with issues of technology in NY.
Blanchette Hooker Rockefeller Memorial Fellowship

◆ Individual Fellowship

Kan Fukuhara and Shumpei Mitsuhashi Perfoming Arts (Theater and Dance)
To conduct research on creations, workshops, lessons, and classes held at various rehearsal spaces in NYC and to research the attitude of actors and dancers towards participating in rehearsals.
ACC Saison Foundation Fellow *

Yuni Hong Charpe Visual Art / Performing Arts
To conduct research on how people have translated Japanese and Korean by focusing on the violence/hospitality of translation, as well as on how "healing" has been socially and culturally represented in South Korea on the theme of "healing colonial violence and its traumas.” A translator and interpreter Akito Hirano will participate in part of the research.
ACC Saison Foundation Fellow *

Yuki Kobayashi Visual Art
To conduct research on the Chinese Martial Art “Wing Chun” to help develop a long-term project, as well as to learn and engage in cultural exchange with Hong Kong-based performance artists.

Madoka Mori Music
To discover a new language of music through cultural exchange as well as to seek the possibility for innovative collaboration with diverse art and contemporary music in New York.

SHIMURAbros (Yuka and Kentaro SHIMURA) Visual Art (Film/Video/Photography)
To conduct research on Beate Sirota Gordon who contributed to the drafting of the human rights clauses of the Japanese Constitution in San Francisco where she had lived as a young adult.

◆ Grants to Institutions

OFFICE ALB Performing Arts (Dance)
To foster exchange and international collaboration among artists Japan, Philippines, India and Indonesia collaborate to conduct fieldwork and workshops together.
ACC Saison Foundation Fellow *


* "ACC Saison Foundation Fellow" is awarded to individuals/institutions supported by the designated grant from the Saison Foundation.

◆ New York Fellowship 

Yuta Hagiwara (Performing Arts / Theater)
To conduct research on “Democracy's Body,” which supported the trend of alternative theater in New York City after WWII. 
ACC Saison Foundation Fellow *

Haruchi Osaki (Visual Art)
To conduct interdisciplinary research on the historical context of disability and culture and contemporary inclusive cultural forms, as well as research on new communication models and environments of post-Covid physical expression and experiential and participatory forms. 

Elico Suzuki (suzueri) (Visual Art)
To conduct research mainly on the history of DIY/hacking/circuit-bending instruments in Media/Sound art, based on the works of Sonic Arts Union in the US, and the influence of global Maker movements. 

Marin Naruse (Music)
To investigate the preservation of ethnic music in New York City and study the relevance and suitability of US ethnic and folk music stewardship practices to shimauta music in Japan.
*Support from the 2022 ACCNY Grant Program

◆ Individual Fellowship

Sho Akita  Visual Art (Curation)  
A 2-month Individual Fellowship to continue research on the late Japanese artist and ACC grantee Teiji Furuhashi’s time in New York. 

Ai Iwane  Visual Art (Film/Video/Photography)
A 2-month Individual Fellowship to conduct field research on the salmon and community culture of the Pacific Rim and to observe ecological art practices on the West Coast of North America. 

Arata Mori  Visual Art (Film/Video/Photography)
A 2-month Individual Fellowship to conduct field research on the revival of spiritual mediumship in Thailand, especially through interacting with and taking lessons from the LGBT community of mediums.

Maho Watanabe Performing Arts (Theater)
A 2-month Individual Fellowship to travel to Vietnam and Indonesia to meet and research with colleagues of "TERASIA - Theatre for Traveling in the Age of Isolation," a long-term project that tries to understand modern beliefs and views of life and death in various parts of Asia.
ACC Saison Foundation Fellow *

◆ Grants to Institutions

Japan Center, Pacific Basin Arts Communication (PARC)
Performing Arts (Dance, Theater)

To provide support for a project in which Beijing-based choreographer Yang Zhen explores the contemporary conditions of Chinese identities and local identities through collaboration with families from various backgrounds who live in Chinatowns around the world.
ACC Saison Foundation Fellow *


* "ACC Saison Foundation Fellow" is awarded to individuals/institutions supported by the designated grant from the Saison Foundation.

◆ New York Fellowship

Arata Mino (Independent Artist, Photographer, Playwright)
To conduct research on the work of Edward Steichen in the archives of the Museum of Modern Art and explore contemporary visual and performing arts in New York City and beyond.
Japan-United States Arts Program/ACC Saison Foundation Fellow*

Miyuki Tanaka (Independent Curator, Producer, Editor )
To pursue research on the intersection of visual and performing arts and design in the context of creating interdisciplinary programs for individuals with disabilities.
Japan-United States Arts Program/BHR Memorial Fund


◆ Individual Fellowship

Kyun-Chome (Eri Homma & Nabuchi)
A 4-month joint Individual Fellowship to research the identities and cultures of the Japanese and Okinawan diaspora in Hawaii as a means of entering into dialogue about current immigration to Japan.
Japan-United States Arts Program/BHR Memorial Fund 

Chatori Shimizu (Independent Composer & Sound Artist )
A 6-month Individual Fellowship to travel to Taiwan for research on the Sheng (Chinese bamboo mouth organ) in traditional and contemporary music practice. 
Japan-United States Arts Program


◆ Grants to Institutions

Bridge for the Arts and Education 
A 1-month Project Grant to provide support for a music workshop and open forum for artists from Asia coming to Japan to participate in a theater production of the Mahabharata. 
Japan-United States Arts Program/BHR Memorial Fund/ACC Saison Foundation Fellow*

Japan Center, Pacific Basin Arts Communication (PARC)
A 1-month Project Grant to support the 2021 Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama (TPAM) in an online, hybrid format. 
Japan-United States Arts Program/ACC Saison Foundation Fellow*

PROJECT SEED Virtual Academy 
 fiscally sponsored by New York Foundation for the Arts 
A 6-week Project Grant to support a virtual academy, organized by Chatori Shimizu and JunYi Chow, to increase international awareness of East Asian instruments, musical forms, and composition techniques. 
Japan-United States Arts Program

◆ Other Japan related program

Jia Li (Independent Curator)
A 3-month Individual Fellowship to undertake research on social practice in Japan’s contemporary art world.
ACC China/Hong Kong/Macau Program

Chun Tat Ata Wong (Theatre Director, Choreographer, Actor, Movement Coach & Lecturer, Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts)
A 6-month Individual Fellowship to explore traditional and contemporary art forms in Japan. 
ACC China/Hong Kong/Macau Program

Jut Art Museum 
A 3-month Project Grant to support four keynote speakers from the U.S. and Japan to present a series of presentations accompanying the museum’s major 2021 exhibition, Drawing Ambience: Alvin Boyarsky and the Architectural Association. 
ACC Taiwan Program

Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei 
A 10-month Project Grant for a series of podcasts bringing Taiwanese artists in discussion with artists from Hong Kong, Japan, and Indonesia.
ACC Taiwan Program

Waley Art 
A 9-month Project Grant for a collaborative online program bringing together artists from Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and Hong Kong to share research on experimental art practice, internet-based subcultures, and emerging societal issues expressed in the contemporary arts across East Asia. 
ACC Taiwan Program


* "ACC Saison Foundation Fellow" is awarded to individuals/institutions supported by the designated grant from the Saison Foundation.


◆ Japan Virtual Exchange Program

Bridge for the Arts and Education (Theater, Dance・Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand)
The series of “Mahabharata” was to culminate in summer 2020 with a production of Chapter of Desire and Chapter of Tempest, but this has been postponed until 2021. In its place, the artists in Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand will contribute to a joint film project to create an international performance without travel .The film will be released online in conjunction with an online public discussion to reflect on the remote collaborative process and the future of the arts post-Covid-19. 
Japan-United States Arts Program/ACC Saison Foundation Fellow *1

Collaborative Cataloging Japan (Film/Video/Photography・USA, Japan)
To support the formation of a network of artists, researchers, archivists, and the public across Japan and the U.S. to engage in conversations, research, and presentations about media and art of the 1970s Japan. This project gathers scholars and archivists from U.S. and Japan who may not frequently travel abroad, thus the conversations will be a rare occasion of cultural exchange. Further, the online presentations of almost-obsolete media works open up access to this cultural history not only to the participants in this project but a wide audience internationally.
Japan-United States Arts Program

NPO Dance Box (Dance・Japan, Vietnam)
To support for Dance Box to continue creating programs focused on local communities Kobe, in this case focusing on the large population of Vietnamese immigrants. In collaboration with the Thanh Long Water Puppet Ensemble of Hanoi, to present filmed performances of water puppetry, followed by discussions and exchange around understanding and connection across differences of cultures and generations.
Japan-United States Arts Program/ACC Saison Foundation Fellow *1

Don't Follow the Wind (Visual Art・USA, Japan)
Grant supplement to adapt a disrupted project grant to a hybrid grant to enable U.S. and Japanese artists and curators to carry out research in Japan and online meetings. This work will lay the groundwork for the first English publication on Don’t Follow the Wind, a pioneering initiative, launched in 2015, in which artists explore the ongoing impact of the 2011 nuclear disaster in the Fukushima Exclusion Zone.
Japan-United States Arts Program

Drifters International (Performing Arts/Arts Administration・Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia)
To provide support for the Jejak Tabi Exchange virtual platform, designed to share, exchange, and explore critical ideas and practices in contemporary art practice and discuss international cultural exchange. Given the impossibility of travel, the organizers are launching a website cataloguing the activities of the program thus far, creating an online resource center for sharing ideas, reflections, and plans for future cultural exchange and engagement between artists and arts professionals throughout Asia.
Japan-United States Arts Program/ACC Saison Foundation Fellow *1

Lijiang Studio Foundation (Music・China, Taiwan, Japan)
To support the virtual project Lijiang With/Out, an online sound production project between female sound artists living in Japan, China and Taiwan, and local artists and residents of Lijiang, Yunnan, China. It was conceived as a response to an ACC-funded exchange between Hokkaido and Lijiang that was disrupted by the pandemic in January 2020. The sound works will be compiled as a CD album titled Lijiang With/Out, for release in 2021.
Japan-United States Arts Program/ACC Saison Foundation Fellow *1

Association of Tokyo Biennale (Visual Art・Japan, USA, Asian countries)
To provide support for the 2020/2021 Tokyo Biennale to enable a series of web-based publications, translated into Japanese, English, Chinese, and Korean, in order to create context around the event’s participating artists and dialogue related to critique and media practice.
Japan-United States Arts Program


◆Grants to Institutions

Tokyo Photographic Art Museum (Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions) (Film/Video/Photography・Japan, USA)
To enable independent curator Aily Nash and Harvard Film Archive Director Haden Guest to curate programs in the Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions in February 2020. The Yebisu Festival draws on international networks to present works by filmmakers who have been underrepresented in Japanese screenings despite their importance in the field of experimental film.
Japan-United States Arts Program


*1 "ACC Saison Foundation Fellow" is awarded to individuals/institutions supported by the designated grant from the Saison Foundation.

◆ New York Fellowship

Tomoko Hojo (Sound Art, Experimental Music)
To conduct archival research on sound art and experimental music, with a particular focus on Yoko Ono and the intersection of feminism and sound.
Japan-United States Arts Program

Dan Isomura (Visual Art)
To observe trends in political and socially engaged art with a focus on LGBTQ and immigration issues.
Japan-United States Arts Program/BHR Memorial Fund/Porter A. McCray Fellow *1


◆Individual Fellowship

From Japan

Takashi Kawachi (Theater – Technical Director, Stage Manager) 2 months
To observe technical theater practice in New York.
Japan-United States Arts Program/ACC Saison Foundation Fellow *2

Yoshiko Shimada (Art History) 1 month
To research Hong Kong’s alternative art education of the 1960s and 70s.
Japan-United States Arts Program

Nobuyuki Sugihara (Visual Art) 6 months
To research on Taiwanese aboriginal culture, and exchange with artists and art professionals in Taiwan.
Japan-United States Arts Program


To Japan

Margarita Blush (USA・Theater, Puppetry) 2 months
To study traditional puppetry and movement practice in Japan.
Japan-United States Arts Program/ACC Saison Foundation Fellow *2

Kirsten Carey (USA・Music) 3 months
To study shamisen technique with Hidejiro Honjo (ACC 2015) and Reigen Fujii.
Japan-United States Arts Program

J’Sun Howard (USA・Dance) 4 months
To undertake a residency at NPO Dance Box (ACC 2016) in Kobe, study traditional theater practice, and plan for future exchange of dancer/choreographers between Kobe and Chicago.
Japan-United States Arts Program/ACC Saison Foundation Fellow *2

Hsin-Yueh Chiu & Hsin-Yi Chiu (Taiwan・Music) 2 months 
To study shamisen and Satsuma biwa technique in Japan to expand their understanding of East Asian classical music performance.
ACC Taiwan Program


◆Grants to Institutions

Bridge for the Arts and Education (Japan・Theater, Dance) 2 months
To support two months of cross-cultural workshops in Jogjakarta with performing artists from Japan and Southeast Asia.
Japan-United States Arts Program

Don’t Follow the Wind (Japan・Visual Art) 1 week
To enable three Americans (Jason Waite, Eva Mattes, Franco Mattes) to undertake a research trip in Japan and lay the groundwork for the first English publication on Don’t Follow the Wind.
Japan-United States Arts Program / BHR Memorial Fund

Lijiang Studio Foundation (China, Japan・Music) 2 months 
To support the Lijiang/Hokkaido Reciprocal Residency Program.
Japan-United States Arts Program/ Beijing Contemporary Art Foundation Program

PARC ‐ Japan Center, Pacific Basin Arts Communication (Japan・theater, dance) 1 week
To enable artists and arts managers from across Asia to participate in the 2020 TPAM performing arts meeting in Yokohama, Japan.
Japan-United States Arts Program

VT Art Salon (Singapore, Taiwan・Curatorial) 2 months
To support the second phase of Island Hopping— Reversing Imperialism, a research and exhibition program that reframes the “island chain” geopolitical legacy of the Cold War and initiates dialogue between Pacific Island nations.
ACC Taiwan Program



*1 "Porter A. McCray Fellow" was established in honor of his contribution as the first director to the John D. Rockefeller III Fund.

*2 "ACC Saison Foundation Fellow" is awarded to individuals/institutions supported by the designated grant from the Saison Foundation.

◆ New York Fellowship, Individual Fellowship

From Japan

Mika Eglinton (Theater)
A 6-month Individual Fellowship to research Shakespeare productions and contemporary theater in Taiwan and the U.S.
Japan-United States Arts Program/ACC Saison Foundation Fellow *1

Miyama McQueen-Tokita (Music)
A 6-month NY Fellowship to engage with musicians and composers and explore new music and improvisation
Japan-United States Arts Program

Koichiro Osaka (Curatorial)
A 6-month NY Fellowship to engage with the contemporary art world and develop networks for future exchange
Japan-United States Arts Program

Michiko Tsuda (Visual Art)
A 6-month NY Fellowship to research the Judson Dance Theater movement and the works of Yvonne Rainer
Japan-United States Arts Program/BHR Memorial Fund/Porter A. McCray Fellow *2

Suguru Yamamoto (Theater)
A 6-month NY Fellowship to explore theater narratives that transcend racial and generational boundaries
Japan-United States Arts Program/ACC Saison Foundation Fellow ※1


To Japan

Cameron McKinney (USA・Dance) 3 months
A 3-month Individual Fellowship to research street dance and butoh, and attend classes and workshops in Tokyo
Japan-United States Arts Program

Julia Santoli (USA・Sound Art) 3 months
A 3-month Individual Fellowship to research experimental music and body-based performance arts in Tokyo and Kyoto
Japan-United States Arts Program

The Wooster Group (USA・Theater) 1 week
A Project Grant to support a 1-week artistic exchange in Japan, including workshops with theater director Toshiki Okada and research on Noh theater in Kyoto
Japan-United States Arts Program

Weiwei Wang (China・Curatorial) 6 months
A 6-month Individual Fellowship to conduct comparative research on contemporary art ecosystems in Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.
ACC China/Hong Kong/Macau Program



*1 "ACC Saison Foundation Fellow" is awarded to individuals/institutions supported by the designated grant from the Saison Foundation.

*2 "Porter A. McCray Fellow" was established in honor of his contribution as the first director to the John D. Rockefeller III Fund.


◆Individual Fellowship

From Japan

Mari Hashimoto (Conservation)
A 6-month fellowship to conduct conservation research at Pace Art Conservation in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Japan-United States Arts Program

Kyoko Iwaki (Theater)
A 6-month month fellowship to conduct research on how non-dominant voices are represented in theater in the U.S.
Japan-United States Arts Program/ACC Saison Foundation Fellow *1

Yusuke Kamata (Visual Art)
A 6-month fellowship to research Japanese-style architecture in the U.S. as a lens into culture, art, and politics. Supplement to research on Antonin Raymond's architectural works in the Philippines.
Japan-United States Arts Program/BHR Memorial Fund/Porter A. McCray Fellow *2

Tetsuro Koyano (Music/Dance)
A 1-month grant to undertake a collaborative project and to research traditional performing arts and music cultures in Chiangmai, Thailand, in January and February 2019.
Japan-United States Arts Program

Kota Takeuchi (Visual Art)
A 6-month fellowship to conduct research on World War II and nuclear industrial sites in the U.S.
Japan-United States Arts Program


To Japan

Douglas Brooks (USA・Craft) 
A 3-month grant to study traditional boatbuilding in Japan and research its antecedents within the Chinese boatbuilding tradition.
Mandarin Oriental Arts Fellowship Program

Abigail Child  (USA・Film, Video, & Photography)
A month-long residency at Reversible Destiny Lofts in Tokyo to meet with artists and critics and to conduct research for a new film.
Japan-United States Arts Program

Jessica Grindstaff (USA・Theater)
A 9- week fellowship to study with Butoh and Bunraku artists in Japan and to visit the Fukushima region to capture visual, aural, and personal stories, informing a new theater work.
Japan-United States Arts Program/ACC Saison Foundation Fellow *1

Bonnie Marranca (USA・Arts Criticism)
A 1-month grant to research Fluxus artist Dick Higgins’s unique Graphis scores in the archives of the Sogetsu Art Center in Tokyo.
Japan-United States Arts Program/ACC Saison Foundation Fellow *1

Aki Onda (USA・Music)
A 2-month research trip to the Philippines, Indonesia, and Japan to trace the legacy of Dr. José M. Maceda’s influence on contemporary experimental performance.
Humanities Fellowship

Haeyun Park (USA・Art History)
A dissertation fellowship to conduct research in Japan on the trans-Pacific development of video art from the 1970s to the 1990s.
Japan-United States Arts Program

Fiona Templeton (USA・Theater)
A 2-month fellowship to conduct research on the Itako shamans of northern Japan to inform a new theater work.
Humanities Fellowship



*1 "ACC Saison Foundation Fellow" is awarded to individuals/institutions supported by the designated grant from the Saison Foundation.

*2 "Porter A. McCray Fellow" was established in honor of his contribution as the first director to the John D. Rockefeller III Fund

◆ Fellowship Grants to Individuals

From Japan

Aisuke Kondo (Visual Art)
a three-month grant to conduct research on the living conditions of Japanese Americans interned in the United States during World War II.
Japan-United States Arts Program

Aya Momose (Visual Art)
a six-month grant to conduct research on the work of American artist Vito Acconci, and participate in an artist residency program in the United States.
Japan-United States Arts Program/BHR Memorial Fund/Porter A. McCray Fellow *1

Akane Nakamura (Arts Administration)
a six-month grant to conduct research on the current state of performing arts in Southeast Asia, and learn more about platforms for contemporary artistic productions in Asia.
Japan-United States Arts Program/ACC Saison Foundation Fellow *2

Fuyuka Shindo (Visual Art)
a six-month grant to conduct research on Horace Capron, an adviser for the development of Hokkaido during Japan’s Meiji era, and participate in an artist residency program in the United States.
Japan-United States Arts Program/Kimpei Nakamura Fellow *3

Ami Yamasaki (Visual Art/Performing Arts)
a six-month grant to research on the poetry scene and the art forms in a wide range of disciplines, and to conduct interviews with artists, curators, and locals in New York City.
Japan-United States Arts Program/ACC Saison Foundation Fellow *2

Yoshiji Yokoyama (Theater)
a six-month grant to research Asian performing artists who are based in the United States and study current methods in the performance studies field.
Japan-United States Arts Program/ACC Saison Foundation Fellow *2


To Japan

Johann Dietrich (USA・Visual Art / Sound Art)
A three-week collaboration with Kyoto-based sound artist Eisuke Yanagisawa to research the unheard, subtle, and “weak” sounds of Kyoto’s soundscape.
Japan-United States Arts Program

Yanghee Lee (USA・Dance)
Participation in Tadashi Suzuki’s Toga International Arts Festival in Toyama prefecture and exploration into dance and theater activities in Tokyo and Kyoto during a three-month grant.
Japan-United States Arts Program/ACC Saison Foundation Fellow *2

Ming-Hua Yeh (Taiwan・Dance)
Research into and observation of traditional and contemporary dance in Japan during a three-month grant.
 ACC Taiwan Foundation Fellowship Program

Zac Zinger (USA・Music / Shakuhachi)
Research into traditional Japanese music in Tokyo during a four-month fellowship.
Japan-United States Arts Program


◆ Grants to Institutions

Arts Maebashi – Gunma, Japan
The participation of American visual artist Matthew Moore in a residency program and group show at Arts Maebashi in fall 2016.
Japan-United States Arts Program

Asia Society – New York City, US
The participation of artists and performers from Japan in the production Recycling: Washi Tales in March 2016.
Japan-United States Arts Program

NPO Dance Box – Hyogo, Japan
To support the participation of choreographer Darrell Jones and his company dancer from Chicago in a collaborative residency in Dance Box, Kobe, Japan in May 2017.
Japan-United States Arts Program

ISSUE Project Room – New York City, US
To support Nao Nishihara’s collaborative performance with New York-based composer and performert Aki Onda at ISSUE Project Room in Brooklyn in November 2016.
Japan-United States Arts Program

The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) – New York City, US
To support the participation of Japanese film director Naomi Kawase to present and talk at her retrospective screening at MoMA from June 25 – July 14, 2016.
Japan-United States Arts Program

Trisha Brown Dance Company – New York City, US
The company’s participation in the festival KYOTO EXPERIMENT in March 2016.
Japan-United States Arts Program

Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions (Tokyo Photographic Art Museum) – Tokyo, Japan
To support Chinese Artist Lei Lei’s participation in the 2017 Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions in February, 2017.
Japan-United States Arts Program



*1 "Porter A. McCray Fellow" was established in honor of his contribution as the first director to the John D. Rockefeller III Fund

*2 "ACC Saison Foundation Fellow" is awarded to individuals/institutions supported by the designated grant from the Saison Foundation.

*3 "Kimpei Nakamura Fellow" was established in honor of the support from Kimpei Nakamura (ACC Grantee 1970).


◆ Fellowship Grants to Individuals

From Japan

Keigo Ayusawa (Hidejiro Honjo) (Music)
for a six-month grant to conduct research on contemporary music, and to meet artists, musicians, and scholars.
Japan-United States Arts Program/Kimpei Nakamura Fellow *1

AKI INOMATA (Visual Art)
for a three-month grant to observe contemporary art activities, meet artists and curators, and participate in an artist residency program in the United States.
Japan-United States Arts Program/BHR Memorial Fund

Akiko Kitamura (Dance)
for a three-month grant to conduct research on traditional dance and martial arts in Cambodia, Myanmar, and India.
Japan-United States Arts Program/Saison Foundation Fellow *2

Yasuno Miyauchi (music)
for a six-month grant to conduct research on contemporary music, meet artists and curators, and observe performing arts activities in the U.S.
Japan-United States Arts Program/Saison Foundation Fellow *2

Nao Nishihara (Visual Art)
for a six-month grant to observe contemporary art activities, visit museums and galleries, and meet artists and curators in the U.S.
Japan-United States Arts Program/BHR Memorial Fund/Porter A. McCray Fellow *3

Kohei Nishikawa (Music)
for a three-month grant to conduct research on the nose flute tradition in Taiwan.
Japan-United States Arts Program


To Japan

Dungi Sumi 舒米如妮  (Taiwan・Visual Art)
to support a one-month trip to research various models of community-building through art activities in Japan.
ACC Taiwan Foundation Fellowship Program

David Neumann (USA・Theater)
to support a two-week trip to Japan in order to observe performances at the National Noh Theater and meet with members of the traditional dance and theater communities in Tokyo.
Japan-United States Arts Program

Michael Pestel (USA・Music)
to support travel to Japan in order to perform and collaborate with musicians and artists in Tokyo.
Japan-United States Arts Program

Nhat Tran (USA・Visual Art)
to support participation as a guest researcher at the Kyoto City University of Arts in the use of urushi lacquer in large-scale public art from October to December 2015.
Japan-United States Arts Program


◆Grants to Institutions

Fractured Atlas (Line Storm Productions) – Bethany, CT, U.S.
to enable American collaborators Elise Thoron and Karen Kandel to travel to Kyoto and Tokyo in order to prepare for the Japanese premiere of Recycling: Washi Tales in June 2016.
Japan-United States Arts Program

Fringe Arts – Philadelphia, PA, U.S.
To support the participation of playwright Toshiki Okada and performers from Japan on the U.S. tour of Okada’s newest project, God Bless Baseball, in January and February 2016.
Japan-United States Arts Program

ISSUE Project Room – New York, NY, U.S.
to support the participation of Akio Suzuki on a two-week tour in September 2015.
Japan-United States Arts Program

Japan Society – New York, NY, U.S.
to support the participation of Japanese experimental artist Otomo Yoshihide in a collaborative residency at Japan Society in May 2016.
Japan-United States Arts Program

Music From Japan – New York, NY, U.S.
to enable composer Misato Mochizuki and musicologist Yuji Numano to participate in public programs in connection with Music From Japan’s 41st season.
Japan-United States Arts Program

PARC – Japan Center, Pacific Basin Arts Communication – Tokyo, Japan
to support the participation of the Wooster Group in Sound Live Tokyo in December 2015.
Japan-United States Arts Program



*1 "Kimpei Nakamura Fellow" was established in honor of the support from Kimpei Nakamura (ACC Grantee 1970).

*2 "ACC Saison Foundation Fellow" is awarded to individuals/institutions supported by the designated grant from the Saison Foundation.

*3 "Porter A. McCray Fellow" was established in honor of his contribution as the first director to the John D. Rockefeller III Fund


◆Individual Fellowship  
*Total 354 individuals (1963-2021)


◆Organization and Project Grant  
*Total 54 organizations (1963-2021)

List of all Organization and Project grants

◆Project Participants 
*Total 262 individuals and 14 organizations/projects (1963〜2021)


As of January 2022

If you find any mistakes, please contact ACC Japan office.