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Japanese Boat Consultant for Shōgun: Douglas BROOKS (ACC multiple grants since 2008)

Douglas BROOKS (ACC multiple grants since 2008) served as the Japanese Boat Consultant for the recent Disney/FX series Shōgun. Learn more about his experience.

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A Conversation with Luke Ching

Before recently completing his six-month New York Fellowship in June, 2024, Luke CHING (ACC 2023) sat down with ACC to speak about his Fellowship experience. 

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A Conversation with Teresa Barrozo

Teresa BARROZO (ACC 2014) is a sound artist, composer, and curious listener. We spoke with Barrozo to discuss how her ACC grant experiences impacted her work and practice then and now.

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A Conversation with Isa Ho

Meng-Chuan (Isa) HO (ACC 2012, 2016) is a mixed-media artist who creates photographs that explore "urban fairytales." ACC sat down with Ho for a conversation discussing her grant experiences and how they’ve impacted her work today.

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Ata Wong’s Journey of Encounters in Kyojima, Japan

Ata WONG (ACC 2021) is a director, choreographer, actor, movement coach and theatre instructor. Wong reviews his ACC grant activities and experiences. 

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A Conversation with Nigam Bhandari

Nigam Bhandari (ACC 2022) is a director, filmmaker, and of Cryptid Films, a Nepal-based film production company. We spoke with Bhandari in the last few months of the third and final year of his NYU program.

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ACC Alumni Feature: Ai Iwane

Ai Iwane (ACC 2022) is a Japanese photographer who began her career in 1996. Iwane’s ACC Fellowship allowed her to conduct fieldwork and interviews on the Mattole River and its surrounding area in Humboldt County, Northern California, and learn about the regional community culture of salmon and people. In this video, she speaks briefly on her ACC grant experience.

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A Conversation with Heidi Lee and Lio Kuokman

ACC sat down with Hong Kong Ballet’s Executive Director Heidi LEE (ACC 2012) and Program Director of the Macao International Music Festival Lio KUOKMAN (ACC multiple grants since 2002) to learn more about how their ACC experiences impacted their careers and perspectives on cultural exchange.

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