American Museum of Natural History
to support a regional workshop on object and textile conservation at the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology in Hanoi in February 2012.
詳細はこちらto support a regional workshop on object and textile conservation at the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology in Hanoi in February 2012.
詳細はこちらto enable two choreographers from Henan University to participate in the International Choreographers Residency Program in summer 2011
詳細はこちらto begin a program of study leading to the M.F.A. degree in the Department of World Arts and Cultures at the University of California, Los Angeles in fall 2011.
詳細はこちらTheater Director, Taipei: to undertake vocal training under Nancy Houfek at the American Repertory Theatre in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
詳細はこちらKu & Dancers (fiscal sponsor for i-Dance Taipei) Taipei: to support four dance professionals--Ma Choi Wo (Hong Kong), Yim Ming Yin (Hong Kong), Chiko Katsube (Japan), and Shoko Kashima (Japan) to travel to Taipei to participate in the festival.
詳細はこちらto support travel research for San Jose Museum of Art 's director, Susan Krane, and associate curator, Kristen Evangelista, to travel to India in 2011.
詳細はこちらNew York, New York: to enable The Hinterlands company to collaborate with traditional Sichuan opera performer Tian Mansha and Chinese opera artists from the Shanghai Theatre Academy on a month-long exchange in November 2011 to create an original multidisciplinary performance.
詳細はこちらto enable Mr. Muhammad Zamzam Fauzanafi and Mr. Muchamad Fajar Ismail to travel to the United States to receive the 2011 National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award from The President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities.
to support the participation of two speakers from Asia in the ACAW 2011 public symposium program entitled dialogues in Asian Contemporary Art.
詳細はこちらto support travel and per diem costs for five presenters and arts producers to travel to Cambodia in March 2011 in connection with the development of the Season of Cambodia program.
詳細はこちらto enable members of ShadowLight Productions to travel to Hokkaido and Tokyo, Japan, to develop a new theater work in collaboration with Japanese and Ainu performing artists.
詳細はこちらFor partial support of a 12-month research trip to Indonesia to document, transcribe and translate performances of the Balinese ritual exorcism, Calon Arang, in Balinese villages to restore spiritual balance to the community.
詳細はこちらto enable four musicians from Japan to participate in Music from Japan’s Resonances of the Kugo concert in New York and Washington, DC, in February 2012.