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Bridge for the Arts and Education

A 6-month Organization/Project Grant to support a joint film project around Hiroshi Koike’s Mahabharata Series with participating artists from nine countries across Asia


Don't Follow the Wind

A 1-month grant supplement to adapt a disrupted project to enable U.S. and Japanese artists and curators to carry out research in Japan and through online meetings in connection with the English publication Don’t Follow the Wind, examining community and artistic responses to the ongoing crisis in the Fukushima Exclusion Zone


Lijiang Studio Foundation

A 3-month Organization/Project Grant to support Lijiang With/Out, a virtual experiment in sound recording and collaboration between women sound artists from Japan, China, Taiwan, and the U.S., and local artists and residents of Lijiang, China.


Yayasan Kelola

A 6-month Organization/Project Grant to provide for the third year of the Southeast Asian Choreographers Network Program, adapted as a virtual program with online workshops for dance artists in Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Thailand.


ACC Taiwan Foundation

For the ACC Taiwan Pandemic Relief Initiative to enable ACC alumni in Taiwan to create alternative work plans for 2020 in light of canceled exhibitions, performances, and other engagements

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