Yuan Fu
To survey a range of artists, curators, writers, and institutions to chronicle the central themes and histories of ecologically responsive art projects, and activism since the 1960s in North America.
詳細はこちらTo survey a range of artists, curators, writers, and institutions to chronicle the central themes and histories of ecologically responsive art projects, and activism since the 1960s in North America.
詳細はこちらTo consolidate Liu's current research on the interactive relationship between China and East Asia in terms of its artistic and cultural production, as well as its cross-cultural role in the late 20th century when globalization first took firm hold.
詳細はこちらTo explore independent art practices and participate in a curatorial residency at Triangle Arts Association in New York City
詳細はこちらFor a virtual research exchange program between arts specialists focusing on indigenous arts practices on Taiwan’s east coast and in Borneo, Malaysia.
詳細はこちらTo gain experience during an Optional Practical Training year following completion of an M.F.A. in critical and curatorial studies from the University of California, Irvine in Spring 2021.
To continue in the third and final year of an M.F.A. program, concentrating in critical and curatorial studies, at the University of California, Irvine
To replace summer funding lost due to COVID-19 disruptions
to continue in the second year of a three-year M.F.A. program, concentrating in critical and curatorial studies, at the University of California, Irvine
詳細はこちらTo research the intersection of visual and performing arts and design in the context of creating interdisciplinary programs for individuals with disabilities.
詳細はこちらTo support curatorial research and discussions in Vietnam in connection with an exhibition of Vietnamese art being planned by the Asian Art Museum
詳細はこちらGraduate Scholarship to continue in the second and final year of an M.A. program in curatorial studies at the Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College
詳細はこちらA 6-month NY Fellowship to explore contemporary art and alternative arts spaces
詳細はこちらTo enable three Americans to undertake research in Japan, in order to lay the groundwork for the first English publication on the the "Don't Follow the Wind" project
詳細はこちらTo gain experience during a year of Optional Practical Training following the completion of an M.A. degree in curatorial studies
to continue in the second and final year of an M.A. program at the Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College